2022 – Challenging “Apartheid” on the Canadian Airwaves: The Community Media Advocacy Centre’s Critical and Intersectional Approach to Broadcasting Policy Advocacy, Scholarship, and Education. In the Canadian Journal of Communication (LINK).
2020 – Disrupting Settler Colonialism and Oppression in Media and Policy-Making: A View from the Community Media Advocacy Centre. In the book Media Activist Research Ethics (LINK).
2019 – Community radio contradictions in Canada: Learning from volunteers impacted by commercialising policies and practices. In the Journal of Alternative and Community Media (LINK).

2022 – CMAC organized a regional event series in 2022 called: “Building an Anti-Racism Strategy for Canadian Broadcasting: Conversation & Convergence.” These consultative events took place in Montreal, Vancouver, and Halifax. Check out full program and event archives at:
2019 – Based on the outcomes and archives of the Future of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Broadcasting: Conversation and Convergence events held in 2017, a detailed report was prepared and disseminated by the organizing team in collaboration with participants.

Recent files at the CRTC:
- CRTC 2021-69: Reporting Regulations under the Accessible Canada Act
- CRTC 2021-281: Purchase of Shaw by Rogers
- CRTC 2019-379: CBC license renewal

Past workshops:
- 2017: Class project McGill University
- 2017: Workshop at the Grassroots Radio Conference (Albany, NY)
- 2015: Workshop at the Media Action Research Conference (MARC, Lakehead University)